miércoles, 13 de junio de 2007

A time to remember

My mother born in Maracaibo in the hospital Maracaibo. She´s when to studied to elementary school in Udon Perez. She´ don´t learn another lenguaje. She have 17 years old when her started the univercity. She remember when she whent to Caracas for Pico el Aguila for visited her grandfather. They when for Pico el Aguila. She ate strawberries with grema. They take many pictures when she was youg, she playe wrist, and pice with the other children. My mother save that she nickname is yoly, in have vacation usually slept, eatten and enjoyed old the time. keeps her happy, she dont have job because she live with my grandfather. When my mother has young she have a dog and rabbit. The name the dog is chocolate on he rabbit is pepit. Her favorite toy is tedy bear. She love make Mandoca and Pastelito but she love candy and fruit. Her best friend was Idaly. The most important moment when she was a yunger she say that her Birthdays and Christmas.

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